
Colby House

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Our Agency

Forensic and Clinical Psychology, LLC, and Colby House Mediation Services specializes in helping individuals, their attorneys, and the courts to answer questions and resolve problems before disputes become unmanageable.  We offer mediation as well as forensic psychological services such as consulting, custody evaluations, psychological testing, and other  interventions for adults, children, and families.

Our goal is to assist those experiencing conflicts by providing a safe, comfortable, and neutral environment where trained professionals will guide you through problem solving discussions to assist in amicably resolving conflicts. We strive to help people explore options outside of court, and to create their own solutions to disagreements and disputes.


Coordinating parenting from separate households can be difficult and involves special effort. Mediation offers a way to address concerns regarding lack of communication with your co-parent, parenting schedules, holiday schedules, custody, educational issues, medical issues, religious upbringing, extracurricular activities, transportation, and discipline. Mediators will provide a safe forum in which parents can re-focus on the best interests of their children.

Ending a marriage can be a difficult, emotional, and exhausting process. Mediation offers a faster, confidential, and lower cost alternative to traditional litigation. Hiring a trained mediator to lead divorcing couples through a discussion about finances, property, housing, child custody, and parenting issues can sort out many of the roadblocks that often prolong adversarial court battles. Mediation allows divorcing parties to decide how to structure their futures rather than handing such important decision making to judges and lawyers. Mediated agreements are custom designed to address each couple's unique situation and circumstances. Divorcing couples are more likely to follow mediated agreements than litigation-imposed orders, which often result in future court dates and continued conflict.


When it becomes necessary for a family member to be cared for by another member of the family, the unexpected change can create tension among relatives and interested individuals. When faced with guardianship decisions both for minor children and incapacitated adults, mediation offers the opportunity for all concerned family members to have a voice, and to be part of an agreement for the future care of their loved one. By discussing best interests and ways to protect the vulnerable family member, mediation can produce binding agreements with checks and balances to satisfy all concerned individuals.

Solving Problems

Out of Court

400 West Division Street

Dowagiac, Michigan  49047  




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